Why I Don’t Like to Have Fun Anymore

It won’t make you happy

Some people think I am crazy.

Well, maybe I am. It depends on how you define crazy and to what extent I am perceived as crazy by those people. But regardless of what other people think about me… whether I am crazy or not in their eyes –

I don’t like to have fun

Whenever I have fun I don’t feel like I deserve it – even when I deserve it.

Let’s say I worked hard for long hours, for me now the best fun is rest.

Rest is how I reward myself. Rest is my “fun activity”.

For others, it might be “fun” activities such as watching their favorite show, playing video games, jerking off, whatever.

For me, having fun means to escape.

The only fun I have is REST. When I am tired of working hard, I am rewarding myself with time to relax.

Zero stimuli, no music, no entertainment, no social activity, no smartphone, just me and myself, maybe I’ll read something if I’ll feel like it at the moment.

Since most “fun” activities in the modern world are unnatural – I don’t feel like they contribute to my overall happiness. In fact, I can feel how they decrease it.

Sugar, pornography, video games, casual sex with strangers – are all nice in the moment but will never give you true long-term fulfillment.

Creation, sacrifice, values – on the other hand – will.

I am against short-term fun. It is an illusion no matter how you look at it.

The saddest part is that some people are so caught up in many sorts of addictions for years.

Addiction is nothing but being stuck in a loop of short-term gratifications. And god damn, some people can easily spend their whole life stuck in that horrible loop. It’s no joke.

The consequences are not only lack of experiencing deep fulfillment as I mentioned, but also harming oneself in many ways. Any addiction is harmful, both for mental and physical health. Whether it’s video games, sugar or porn – all addictions are dangerous, unhealthy, and destructive.

They are not good for you and you know you should stop yet you continue to feed the suffering in your life.

It’s all comes to the mind, it’s a decision. You choose to do X, it isn’t X that came at you.

You choose to become a loser, it isn’t loserness happening to you.

See? A choice, that’s all it is. You either control yourself or let life control you.

I say no to fun activities.

Once you deeply internalized the nature of short-term dopamine hits you get from such activities, it will be much easier for you to give up on those addictions.

“Fun” is good when it’s a byproduct of pursuing another purpose (which is not mere “Fun”)

I don’t like to pursue “fun” for the sake of fun. Sure, if fun is a byproduct of my behavior I won’t reject it, for example, if hanging out with friends, which is something I do for a deeper reason than just “fun” produces some “fun” – then I won’t be against it. But doing a single thing with the single purpose of “All I am going to get from this is fun” – that’s what I am against, simply because it’s never worth it.

Sure, if you are thirsty and you need to satisfy your thirst and you drink water and it feels good – it feels good. But you didn’t do it solely for the purpose of “Yeah, Let’s have fun!! Yeah”, you did it because your body required water, and happiness was a byproduct.

Pursue what’s meaningful, not what is “fun”.

Unfortunately, the only way of removing a bad habit is to replace it with a positive one, which sometimes is hard to find.

In this case – the best habit you can adopt in order to beat addictions once and for all – FIND SOME IDEAL BIGGER THAN YOURSELF IN THIS WORLD TO FOLLOW AFTER.

They killed God, but at the same time, they left us with no new direction other than “fun” activities.

It’s your responsibility to reinvent yourself and pave a path of meaning.

Say no to “fun”.

It’s not fun at all when viewed objectively.

All it gives you is more and more suffering right after the “fun”.


Be Strong. Say no.


Until next time,



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