You Already Know What You Should Be Doing

From the dawn of time, people have been bitching around. It’s not a new one.

We often look for new ways to improve our lives, to grow our business, or even to enhance the quality of our romantic relationships.

While searching for tips and easy ways to get success in life, we neglect the most important part:


I hate it when people are looking for great reasons to start doing something that is already widely considered to be beneficial but at the same time, they continue doing shitty activities for no logical reasons.

Why don’t they search for logical reasons to be lazy? or to postpone another important project?

You already know what you should be doing.

Of course, once you embark on the journey of self-improvement, you might hit the point of diminishing return every now and then. But it’s nothing to worry about, all you need to do is going in a new, different direction.

The real problem is when you’re stuck in a state of doing nothing.

You already know that you should hit the gym or do some exercise for better shape and overall health.

You already know you should fix your gamer/nerd posture caused by hours and hours of internet porn watching.

You already know you should fix your diet, remove the shit out of it, and start paying attention to what is coming into your mouth.

You already know all of this.

Yet you still bitching around.

And that’s because you’re simply not honest with yourself.

Since I love watching losers, I recently saw a loser and observed carefully at how he behaved in order to learn a lesson or two.

I was really curious, as I told you before guys, there’s nothing more beneficial to your success than learning from losers’ mistakes.

I truly believe that if a person is a total loser, he’s going to reflect his loserness in nearly any piece of signal he sends to the world.

One of the most noticeable patterns I’ve noticed while contemplating his behavior is total dishonesty with oneself.

This person shamelessly lied to himself in almost every question he was asked, and I was able to recognize it through his body language, his tone, and his overall vibe.

It was clear that he was literally fooling himself only to not feel like a loser, which he indeed is.

When a person tries to cover their weaknesses instead of facing them head-on or embrace them, the outcome is pretty predictable – they’re going to deceive themselves only to feel good about themselves despite their inevitable flaws and therefore live in a bubble of fake happiness.

I understand the evolutionary reason behind it. I mean, if everyone would endlessly self-sabotaging, we would have seen much higher suicide rate, which is not in natural selection’s favor.

You must have some sort of self-dishonesty in order to remain calm, sane and mentally healthy.

The problem with that, though, is that to some degree, not being honest with oneself can be harmful.

One can exaggerate and claim that anything in their life is OK, despite the fact that it’s clearly not.

One can feel too comfortable with their flaws and as a result, never change for the better.

How could one strive for excellence while at the same time stay sane and avoid unnecessary self-loathing?

One must separate it into two categories:

  1. Things you can change
  2. Things you can’t change

As simple as that.

Once you focus on things you have the ability to change, and neglect and embrace the things you have no control over, you can improve tremendously.

But being honest with oneself is the start.

You can’t change and become a better you unless you change your perspective.

So you must stop bitching around because you already know what you should be doing

You don’t need another book, another video, another podcast.

Sure, that might help.

But you don’t truly have to rely on this external motivation/tips in order to do what you ALREADY know is good for you.

It all comes up to self-motivation systems you must develop within you.

You must as an individual to master the skill of self-motivation.

You don’t need another push from other people in order to achieve your desired outcome or another justification for your decisions in order to stop being lazy about what truly important to you.

Come on… We both know you know what is correct for you, what is right and what is wrong for you.

Stop bitching around.

Stop lying to yourself. You are your number one enemy.

Trust me, it’s not that difficult to change, you just need to hate yourself enough for that constant lies you tell yourself on a daily basis.

You already know what you want and how to achieve it.

Make it happen.

Until next time,


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