How to Take Life Less Seriously & Why It’s Important

Sometimes life is overwhelming.

It’s easy to be shocked, to not know what to do, how to react, how to recover and so on.

The beauty in life, in my opinion, is that anything can be learned.

Having a great perspective on the world is something that can be learned, too.

For me, taking life less seriously is a way of therapy.

Life can be really hard sometimes, and by hard I mean there isn’t always an overlap of things we want and things we have.

Let’s be honest here – life would be boring as hell if it wasn’t the case!

The word exciting would lose its meaning if there wasn’t a word boring, right?

We have 2 options:

Taking life “seriously” and becoming resentful because of this reality.
Taking life less seriously, in terms of accepting the fact that life IS UPS & DOWNS.

Without downs, there are no ups.

This is a sad acknowledgment, I know.

But remember the 2 options we have? Accept or staying resentful.

Regardless of whether or not you choose to accept the fact that life is UPS and Downs – life will stay this way.


I call you to take life less seriously.

But when I say less seriously, I don’t mean “Nothing matters”

Because for me, everything matters. This is what gives my life meaning.

You can easily choose to be a nihilist with zero reasons to live. Well, the consequence of that choice is a meaningless life where nothing matters.

The opposite is – everything matters, and that is the meaning of life.

I must attach this epiphany I had to Dr. Jordan Peterson who opened my eyes to reality.

So… I am not advocating nihilism BUT I am telling you to take life less seriously?

Isn’t that contradictive? Well, it is, in some sense.

But it’s becoming more clear as I explain more what exactly I mean when I tell you to be less “serious”

It’s not “serious” in the sense of having goals, chase after them, you should strive to impact the world and so on.

It’s serious in the sense of DON’T BE DAMN HARD ON YOURSELF.

Don’t be hard on yourself

And by not being hard on yourself, I don’t mean play video games and tell yourself it doesn’t matter.

Hell, it’s the extreme opposite of what I mean. Keep reading to achieve a total understanding of my point please.

You have too many enemies, to allow yourself to be another one.

Most of the time, we are our own enemies!

Without even realizing it, we make our life soooo hard.

We must admit that we are the main culprit when it comes to times of adversity. We and our weak mentality play a big role in our suffering.

Sometimes, the adversity is real, and we are in real troubles, of course. I am not saying that life is all sunshine and rainbows or that it’s smooth and flawless, because hell it’s not! Anyone who thinks that way is probably under an influence of some dopamine-enhancer drug.

I am just saying that in many times it’s us that limiting ourselves, in ways that we barely understand.

What’s the solution, then?

Always assume you can lessen the guilt you feel or at least soften to some extent the situation simply by being less hard with yourself!

Forgive yourself, don’t let your failures hold you back.

Don’t hate yourself if something went wrong, focus on how you can learn from it instead, and trust me, you always can.

Don’t let competition hold you back, either. Learn to look at life as a game.

Even if you lose, it was still fun, because it’s a game, got the point?

And by the way – life is not a game but a series of games, so it’s not about winning in one particular game or another one – but sharpening your skills and developing your character through the whole journey.

So, do yourself a favor and learn to look at the big picture. 

Learn to give yourself permission to do the stuff you’ve always wanted!

Express yourself in the world, let your voice be heard, don’t shy away from responsibilities, don’t be a resentful bitch who does nothing with their life but consuming garbage all day long.

Create the life that you want by having an “Oh Attitude”

Say Oh… If you feel like you have a chip on your shoulder try to be more indifferent, as chances are you are hardening the situation by taking it TOO SERIOUS.

Instead of being reactive and overwhelmed – control the situation more by accepting the fact that shit happens and you did your best. But for that to happen correctly, you SHOULD do your best IN THE AREAS YOU HAVE CONTROL OVER.




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