Stop Doing Those Little Things You Know to Be Wrong

There are goals in life.

In order to reach those goals, you have to act in a certain way.

Once you established a step by step plan towards that goal, all you have to do is to stick with the plan.

Sounds simple, isn’t it?

It actually isn’t.

In our way to the goal, we always have some obstacles that interfere with our progress.

We can do 2 things about it:

  1. Overcoming those obstacles
  2. Minimize those obstacles (By preventing them from existing in the first place)

Overcoming obstacles is how we always think about this subject.

We have a goal, we have a problem or a setback that interfere with that goal, therefore we try to come up with solutions to overcome that problem, right?

What I am suggesting is…

Start using the #2 strategy – Minimizing Obstacles.

By reducing obstacles you don’t have to deal with them.

Makes sense?

Let’s say you have a goal to be a blogger and you don’t have any experience.

In order to get better, you have to practice writing, of course, there are no shortcuts.

However, there are things you can do to reduce potential obstacles.

For example, if you aren’t good at designing, you can outsource it instead of hitting your head against a wall.

Now sometimes, it will require sacrifice. But if you truly want the goal, you can be sure that those sacrifices will actually worth it for you.

If you aren’t willing to sacrifice for your goal the goal is not really important to you.

As simple as that.

If you want to have an incredible physique but you aren’t willing to sacrifice your time and effort by getting up off your ass and going to the gym, chances are this goal isn’t that important to you.

And that’s fine.

At the end of the day, you only deserve what you work for.

And if it wouldn’t be the case I assume the world wouldn’t function properly.

You can easily watch the restaurants in Soviet Unions who paid equally to their workers regardless of the quality of work. The results were obvious. The workers haven’t worked well because guess what?

When you don’t have the incentive to work well and show up on time and make the best meals and so on … you don’t do that.

People are naturally lazy, generally speaking.

You can’t expect someone to work hard for something if he doesn’t have a reason to do so.

If you aren’t willing to sacrifice for your goal there’s a reason.

You’re (mediocrely) satisfy with your current situation. Whether you are happy about it or not.

Deep down you are satisfied, otherwise, you would have done something about it.

If you are not getting off by yourself, trust me you’re going to find a way to fornicate a girl.

If you’re a young entitled millennial and you live with parents at age 23, trust me that if I put you now in the street with no backup plan, you work your ass off and your sense of entitlement will disappear at a snap of a finger.

There are things you do right now you know to be WRONG.

Stop doing them.

Those things might be little, as watching television when you have something else to do or sleeping in on weekends or wasting time on social media and so on.

Whatever it is for you, detect the littleĀ things you can eliminate today and cut them off for 1 day and see what happens.

All of a sudden, when you stop doing stupid activities that give you no real value, you have time to create.

That’s a fact, the less you consume the more you create.

Whether it is creating your family, your body, your career, your relationships, your future.

The more you create the happier and satisfied you’ll be in life.

Consumption is about instant gratification.

Creation is about long-term fulfillment and joy

It’s much deeper than that, and it’s worth it. By incorporating creation activities instead of consumption ones – not only will you improve your future but you’ll also eliminate and reduce future pain and preventable suffering.

So start today and reduce those walls that are interfering with your progress.

Be clear about what you want, and just jump above the little fences in your way or even destroy them if needed.

Until next time,


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