Sometimes It’s Good to Associate With Losers

The mainstream self-help advice is to always befriend with high-value, highly successful, accomplished people so you’ll hopefully imitate the way they act, learn from them and eventually become one of them. Makes sense, doesn’t it?

“You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with”. 

They always say, and they’re right. But to some extent, the opposite advice can also be beneficial for you to become a better individual in numerous aspects.

What do I mean by that?


How associating with an underachiever can be beneficial and contribute to you? Isn’t their laziness, silliness, bad attitude, bad habits and lack of purpose negatively affect you? Good questions.

Well I agree it might seem counter-intuitive at first, so let me open your mind to TWO different ways associating with losers can actually develop your persona, make you stronger, more confident and simply a better version of yourself:

#1) Hanging Out With Losers Increases Your Self-Confidence and Self-Worth

It’s quite simple and it’s valid to all aspects you want to become more confident at. It might make you laugh a bit but that is the damn truth:

  • Being around fools makes you feel smarter. Listening to an idiot makes you be proud and grateful for your intelligence.
  • Going to a club with a nerd and unstylish friend awakens the cool and swaggy side within you.
  • It’s easier to be Alpha around Beta-losers.
  • Women naturally pay more attention to you since you are surrounded by complete under-your-league males. (Easier to stand-out.)

You will always feel powerful compared to them. Choose the people that their mere presence automatically makes you feel like you are ‘someone’. Pitifully observing at how weak they are and at their natural malfunctioning in any given situation bounce off your levels of self-worth to astronomical heights.

#2) Do the Opposite of What They Usually Do

If they’re such losers, THERE IS A REASON.

Recognize the patterns of their bad behaviors so you can learn what to avoid in the future.

For example, If they’re awful communicators, pay attention to what they tend to do in each conversation and simply avoid it. I bet in this case you’ll clearly see how they talk about themselves 90% of the time without even pretend to listen to the other.

All you have to do is to apply this formula – Now, after a firsthand experience, you obviously know how it makes a person feel when you only talk about yourself, therefore, you won’t ever do it again. 

It can be applied to any kind of bad behavior/thinking pattern/limiting belief.

The best type of learning is to experience things by yourself. Truth is there is no better opportunity to learn how NOT to be a loser than hanging out with one.

With All That Being Said, There Are TWO Limitations/Conditions For That to Work Effectively:

#1) Limit the Amount of Time You Invest In Them

Losers’ time should be kept to a bare minimum. And that is for obvious reasons, as the experts say you are unwillingly influenced by the people you spend time with. It’s true, and the effect depends on how much you let them actually do it. But unfortunately, it’s not all up to us. For this reason, please do yourself a favor and limit the amount of time you spend time with them. You can keep it as a strategy for ‘hard times’.

#2) How You Do It (Emotional Detachment)

It’s not merely having extreme losers in your social circle. You have to know how to treat them so that you won’t absorb their negativity. You should develop a strong anti-stupidity/loserness immune system.

While you go through this process, be highly conscious of what is happening to you. Do not be confused – This is a cold process, not real human connection. A learning process, not genuine friendship. You have to be emotionally detached from it and not allow any loser to get into your heart.

Forget that and you’ll be in trouble. Remember: You don’t want to end up like them, it’s just a temporary experience which you are supposed to learn from and take advantage of.


Until next time,
